Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tax Time

It is not often when being working poor, works in your favor but tax time is one of them. I have been doing a lot of "what do we need to get/replace" thinking. So I am typing my thoughts out and hoping that somethings will jump out at me. Keep in mind whatever I get is not going to interfere with the paying forward of some bills (cell and electric) and for some medical expenses this is just a bonus.
First thought is maybe upgrade my cheap, living room TV Stands to something that is worthy of the New Flatscreen I am contemplating. Lol I know that is technically 2 somethings but so far this is the front runner, even though it is also the most expensive.

Breadmaker - I love to cook and there is so much that I just don't have. I was thinking about a breadmaker. The one I have my eye on makes 2lb horizontal loafs. It is also over $200. Fresh bread though.

Veggie Steamer - I used to have one of these and I loved it, now that we are eating more veggies I want one. lol

Pots and Pans - Much as I cook you would think I had a decent set. Nope I always buy the cheap sets and regret it because I am getting a new one a year later. I really would like to invest in a good set. The kind that my grand babies will be using.

Cheap car - OK this is more expensive then the TV Stands/TV idea. Now I am really torn. There are times I wish I had a car, but most of the time I am glad I don't. I like the exercise I get from walking to the store. We have decent public transportation. No upkeep costs (oil changes, repairs) and no taxes. NO GAS!

Do y'all reward yourself at a certain time of year and if so how?

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