Friday, February 11, 2011

How about a free month of homework help for your jr high, high school or college student

So as y'all know I am a member of BzzAgent. What that means is I get to try different goods and services for free, and then I just tell people what I think. How easy is that.

Well my latest Bzz Campaign is I get to try it free for a month. This is perfect because my icky teen is in honors math and science and as smart as his mommy is, there are some things I can't help him with when he has questions (homework-wise). So yesterday I had my son use the website to help him study for a test he had coming up. Both he and I were impressed.

Pros - Get help in a number of subjects including:
-Computer Science

Under each of those categories is a number of subcategories and then lessons (Over 500 math and science). So it is very easy for your student to find where they are at in class.

Video Lectures is like having a tutor right there. There is even a professor to answer questions.

Website is very easy to use.

Cons - Have not really found any yet. We are really enjoying this website.

You can also get a free month. Go to and sign up using the code EDUCBMF30 if you choose to continue your subscription it costs $35 a month or $240 for the year.

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