Monday, September 6, 2010

So I made some changes

I wasn't totally happy with the physical appearance of the blog, so I messed around and came up with this. What do y'all think?

The picture is of Downtown Chicago at Dusk on Lake Michigan aboard the Mystic Blue. I love this city and I think this picture captures it perfectly. It almost looks professional but I assure you I took it on my cell phone, lol.

So I may switch things up from time to time. I hope ya like the new look!


  1. What a great picture! I can't believe you took it with your cell phone. I used to live in the Chicago suburbs and I love the downtown lights at night.

  2. Yes downtown at night is incredible. I try to get there as often as I can but not as often as I would like. lol

  3. Great pic! Thanks for following Mommy Time Out!

  4. What Jen didn't mention is HOW we got on the Mystic Blue in the 1st place LOL!.

  5. You are so right. lol I was blessed enough to win a radio contest via twitter. Our tickets were FREE!


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