Friday, September 10, 2010

A tale of 2 ER's

So as I mentioned yesterday, I went to the ER to make sure nothing was broken. So here is how it went. I had my BFF drop me at Little Company of Mary (She also brought me some Pete's Guacamole, this stuff is addictive, Thanks Gurl) at 2:30. I walk in and instantly knew it was a mistake, There was so many people you would think they were giving away houses. I fill out a paper with my name and injury location and then head off to the crowded waiting room. So I am sitting there, being nosey listening to people talk about why they are there. Alot of folks were in there for treatments of colds and allergies (in my Dr Mom opinion). So I am sitting there waiting my turn, and this family walks in (mom, dad, older boy, older girl, under 2 girl aka patient and newborn girl. The older kids are loud and obnoxious beating on vending machines. The dad is playing on his laptop (facebook). The mom is sitting on her butt not even pretending to control the children. The patient (who is up playing, running laughing and eating chips) is putting dad's laptop cords in her mouth. Running with potato chips and making a huge mess. Do you know this "mother" is still sitting on  her butt, loudly claiming that she will not clean up the destruction her children are leaving behind because "she knows the hospital pays someone to clean". I am shaking my head at the ignorance of these folks wondering why the heck anyone can have a child when the not even sick, IMO, patients comes crashing into my knee. I get no apology, no are you ok. Mom ain't even getting off her butt to wrangle her kid. I am highly upset at this point. Two hours of this torture endured and I had not even been triaged. Eventually my Irish temper got the best of me and I left fuming and unseen. Some important things to note.
1. the mom and her kids use the same primary care dr as my son, and he is located right next to the hospital.
2. I can't stand parents who don't parent (Not everybody thinks you monster is as cute as you do). Yes I know how hard it is, I have a son, and I parents him. You can best believe that you will never see him running around an ER bothering patients.
3. ER is for Emergencies not my baby is congested (it is the changing of the seasons, duh. Most people are congested).

So I left cursing up a storm like Popeye did in those old cartoons back in the day. New gameplan was to get dinner, go home, watch the  new Jersey Shore (Don't judge me, lol) and then take a cab to Palos Community hospital. So when I finally get to Palos. I check in at the desk, go straight into triage, then right to xray and finally to a bed to wait for my results. Palos employees were prompt friendly and extremely competent. They got me in and out in less then 2 hours. Palos is a little more "country" that Lil Co, and Lil Co is right near the Chicago border but dang. 2 hours and not triaging patients is not a good look for the hospital.

Thanks for listening to my rant of the day!

Oh and good news, no breaks and no fractures. There is deep bruising and lots of swelling. I need to call and make an appointment with an Ortho today.

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