Friday, September 24, 2010

So I have this friend, we'll call her X

Back in February, after my house was broken into and my health continued to plummet I decided that now was the time to quit smoking (yes, I was one of those people).  I had tried to quit a number of times but always went back because of stress. February was different, I was waiting for an appointment with a lung doctor (still never went, shame on me), using both an inhaler and nebulizer regularly and being told I was in need of surgery (total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral ooph...they took my overies and tubes too, lol). The doctors warned me that smoking can effect the anesthesia (which I was already nervous about thanks to Dr. Oz) in a negative way and that I really needed to stop smoking...

Now I have mentioned before, I am working poor. The only way my son and I get by is my frugality and my work ethic. I would go without a meal but always justified spending money on tobacco products. I had gone from 1 pack a day in Marlboros to a pack a day of black n milds to try and save money and quit. Yet here I was still smoking. Its funny the excuses we make, we NEED it, no way we can quit right now "lifes too stressful". The reasons to keep doing just rolled off the tongue naturally. It was easier to knowingly degrade my health and spend money I didn't really have.  I really can be my own worst enemy.

Finally, being forced to come face to face with the destruction I caused my body already (I will be 35 this month) and the surgery looming I decided I had to do it.  My grandfather Don Beedie died from emphysema so I knew the future, but I had a son who will be 14 next month. I am his only parent, when I am gone what happens to him! I decided to stop. It was hard, stressful events continued to happen regarding my health. My apartment I had lived in for 3 years was foreclosed upon suddenly. It seemed like I chose the wrong time to quit. There was a silver lining. Long story short, I stick to my guns and I began to see the benefits of quitting. I no longer needed my nebulizer or inhaler as often, I was saving a ton of money and my son was proud of me for stopping.

Well I was on the phone with a friend of mine, X. She was mentioning that she needed $20. I said what for and her response floored me. I need gas, and in a quieter voice and cigarettes. That is when I had the true epiphany, that is addiction. He is a woman who has 3 kids (2 teens and an infant) and a number of serious health issues as well.  She is dead broke and talking about buying somethings that is hurting her. I spoke up to her about it and mentioned maybe now is a good time to quit, knowing how I myself would always use the I'll quit after this pack. Do you know this chick hemmed and hawed. Actually said to me, I just don't understand. LOL. Boy at this point I have known this chick 30 years and we will continue to be friends and she knows I say whats on my mind. Incidentally, I have also tried to teach this girl how to spend less money and be able to get what she needs via couponing and smart shopping. Her excuse is she don't have to coupon because she don't have any money. Just goes to show you ya cant help everybody.

Anyways, thanks for listening to my rant. And X you know who you are and you know I am right but I still love ya gurl. (Not that shes reading this she is also addicted to Frontiereville). LOL!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!! I'm your newest follower from the weekend blog hop! Lovely blog!! You can find me at


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